Proceedings, Review Articles (Non Peer-reviewed), etc.
Bunzel, M.; Penner, M.H. Basic principles of spectroscopy. In: Food Analysis (Textbook). Sixth Edition (2024), Eds.: Nielsen, S.S., Ismail, B.P. Publisher: Springer Nature. Link
Bunzel, M.; Penner, M.H. Ultraviolet, visible, and fluorescence spectroscopy. In: Food Analysis (Textbook). Sixth Edition (2024), Eds.: Nielsen, S.S., Ismail, B.P. Publisher: Springer Nature. Link
Fels, L. Bunzel, M. Kohlenhydratanalytik: Methoden der Kernspinresonanzspektroskopie. Lebensmittelchemie 2022, 76, 74-78.
Trabert, A.; Schmid, V.; Keller, J.; Emin, M.A.; Bunzel, M. Impact of extrusion on polyphenols and dietary fiber-associated proanthocyanidins of apple pomance. Dtsch. Lebensmitt. Rundsch. 2022, 18 (5).
Schäfer, J.; Bunzel, M. Wenn der Spargel holzig wird. Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2016, 64, 847-850.
Bunzel, M. Vielfältige Lebensmittel: Funktionelle und ernährungsphysiologische Eigenschaften von Zellwandpolymeren. Labor & More 2015, 6, 11-13.
Gallaher, D. D.*; Bunzel, M.* Potential health benefits of wild rice and wild rice products: Literature review, Agricultural Utilization Research Institute, (July 2012, 49 pages) and Ag. Innovations News 2013, 22, 3.
Gniechwitz, D.; Reichhardt, N.; Blaut, M.; Bunzel, M. High-molecular weight components in coffee beverages and their degradation by human microbiota. Colloq. Sci. Int. Café. 2010, 23, 84-91.
Bunzel, M. Polysaccharide und Melanoidine im Kaffegetränk: unberücksichtigte Ballaststoffquellen. Proceedings of 67th FEI-Jahrestagung, Hannover 2009, 43-56.
Bunzel, M.; Dobberstein, D.; Heuermann, B.; Brüning, P.; Funk, C.; Steinhart, H.; Kim, H.; Ralph, J. Ferulate trimers and tetramers in cereal grains. In Food quality, an issue of molecule based science, This, H.; Eklund, T., Eds., Proceedings of Euro Food Chem XIV, Paris 2007, 173-176.
Bunzel, M.; Steinhart, H.; Ralph, J. NMR and DFRC characterization of lignins isolated from fruit, vegetable and cereal dietary fiber. In Food quality, an issue of molecule based science, This, H.; Eklund, T., Eds., Proceedings of Euro Food Chem XIV, Paris 2007, 421-424.
Reichardt, N.; Gniechwitz, D; Steinhart, H.; Bunzel, M.; Blaut, M. Characterization of soluble dietary fiber from coffee beverages and degradation by human intestinal microbiota. In Food quality, an issue of molecule based science, This, H.; Eklund, T., Eds., Proceedings of Euro Food Chem XIV, Paris 2007, 500-503.
Bunzel, M.; Fischer, M.* Spektrokopische und chromatographische Methoden in der modernen Lebensmittelanalytik unter die Lupe genommen. GIT (Fachz. f. d. Laboratorium) 2006, 50, 943-946.
Gniechwitz, D.; Reichardt, N.; Blaut, M.; Steinhart, H.; Bunzel, M. High molecular weight components from coffee beverages – degradation by human intestinal bacteria. Colloq. Sci. Int. Cafe 2006, 21, 73-79.
Steinhart, H.; Bunzel, M. Makromoleküle in Lebensmitteln. GIT (Fachz. f. d. Laboratorium) 2005, 49, 706-707.
Bunzel, M.* Analytik phenolischer Säuren in Lebensmitteln pflanzlicher Herkunft. Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2005, 53, 780-782.
Bunzel, M.; Ralph, J.; Funk, C.; Kim, H.; Heuermann, B.; Steinhart, H. Ferulate oligomers - occurrence in model systems and cereal grains. In ACS Symp. Series, American Chemical Society, Washington, DC 2005.
Bunzel, M. Composition and chemistry of dietary fibre. In Macromolecules and their degradation products in food – Physiological, analytical and technological aspects, Eklund, T.; Steinhart, H.; Schwarz, M.; Thier, H.-P.; Winterhalter, P., Eds., Proceedings of Euro Food Chem XIII, Hamburg 2005, 253-261.
Schatz, P. F.; Ralph, J.; Lu, F.; Guzei, I. A.; Steinhart, H.; Bunzel, M. Synthesis and identification of an unanticipated ferulate 8-8-coupling product present in cereal dietary fibers. In Macromolecules and their degradation products in food – Physiological, analytical and technological aspects, Eklund, T.; Schwarz, M.; Steinhart, H.; Thier, H.-P.; Winterhalter, P., Eds., Proceedings of Euro Food Chem XIII, Hamburg 2005, 291-294.
Funk, C.; Weber, P.; Grabber, J. H.; Steinhart, H.; Bunzel, M. Binding of heterocyclic aromatic amines to specifically lignified maize cell walls. In Macromolecules and their degradation products in food – Physiological, analytical and technological aspects, Eklund, T.; Schwarz, M.; Steinhart, H.; Thier, H.-P.; Winterhalter, P., Eds., Proceedings of Euro Food Chem XIII, Hamburg 2005, 306-309.
Ralph, J.; Bunzel, M. NMR methods in food chemistry. In Macromolecules and their degradation products in food – Physiological, analytical and technological aspects, Eklund, T.; Schwarz, M.; Steinhart, H.; Thier, H.-P.; Winterhalter, P., Eds., Proceedings of Euro Food Chem XIII, Hamburg 2005, 44-51.
Bunzel, M.*; Steinhart, H. Ballaststoffe aus Pflanzenzellwänden - Chemische und strukturelle Merkmale. Ernährungs-Umschau 2003, 50, 469-475.
Bunzel, M.*; Steinhart, H. Strukturmerkmale von Ballaststoffkomponenten. Chem. unserer Zeit 2003, 37, 188-196.
Bunzel, M.*; Steinhart, H.; Ralph, J. Strukturbildende phenolische Verbindungen in Getreideballaststoffen am Beispiel löslicher und unlöslicher Roggenballaststoffe. Getreide, Mehl und Brot 2002, 56, 281-286.
Bunzel, M.* Strukturaufklärung von Ballaststoffkohlenhydraten. Nachrichten aus der Chemie 2002, 50, 361-363.
Steinhart, H.; Bunzel, M. Chemical structures of heteropolysaccharides. In Melanoidins in food and health, Fogliano, V.; Henle, T., Eds., Office for Official Publications of the European Communities: Luxembourg 2002, Vol. 3, 35-44.
Ralph, J.*; Bunzel, M.; Marita, J. M.; Hatfield, R.D.; Lu, F.; Kim, H.; Grabber, J. H.; Ralph, S. A.; Jimenez-Monteon, G.; Steinhart, H. Diferulates analysis: new diferulates and disinapates in insoluble cereal fibre. Pholypénols Actualités 2000, 13-17.